Wayne’s first published short story was part of the Sojourn anthology released in February of 2014. His story titled “Sick Day” is a comedic take on an alien encounter with an examination of what is really important in life. You can find Sojourn on Amazon or kindle here.

Sojourn Volume 2 was the sequel to Sojourn and was released in November of 2014. Wayne’s contribution titled “The Story” expresses his love of Bards paying homage to the story of Stone Soup a play he was part of in fifth grade. It tells a dark tale of a world decimated by a dark necromancer. You can find Sojourn volume 2 on Amazon or kindle here.

Worth 1,000 Words is a Flash Fiction anthology. My story “Anniversary” is one that I have wanted to tell for quite a while, but needed to discover the format of flash fiction to really do it right. I’m very proud of this story. You can find Worth 1,000 Words on Amazon or kindle here.