Writer Podcaster Geek

Category: Ricochet

Hanging Around

Fiction Fragment Friday

This week’s story is a Ricochet story. I had the first line pop into my head and from there the story just wrote itself. That is one of the reasons I enjoy writing about Ricochet so much. The stories just flow and I am always happier after I have written one.

I have much more in store for Ricochet in the near future, but don’t like to promise too much until I’ve made progress.

               “Situation being what it is I just don’t think I can endorse your campaign for Mayor.  Also, from this angle I can see right up your nose and it’s like a forest of hair up there.  How do you even breathe?”  I was dangling by my feet from the support beam on the ceiling like a piñata with my arms tied behind my back.  David Poppy just nodded to his hired thug who swung the metal baseball bat as hard as he could into my stomach. 

               I screamed in pain and shook my entire body trying to curl up around my middle.  It was a pretty good act if I do say so myself.  See one of the biggest advantages I have at this superhero thing is that the public doesn’t understand how my powers work.  Sure, they know I’m strong and can bounce around the city, but what they don’t know is that my powers work by absorbing kinetic energy.  With every hit of the bat, I get stronger, faster, and more obnoxious.  The obnoxious part comes from my powers causing an intoxicating effect as the energy is absorbed.  That doesn’t mean that the hits don’t hurt.  They do, just not nearly as much as they would anyone else and with my healing factor any damage is being repaired with the incoming energy.  As long as I don’t get knocked out by the blow the more you hit me the stronger, I get. 

               The business suited Mr. Poppy approached me and held my mouth with one hand.  I don’t think it had the intimidation factor he thought it did since I was hanging upside down drunk with my own power.  “Joke all you want hero. You won’t be leaving this warehouse alive.”  He said hero like it was an insult.  Then he slapped me across the face and turned to his goon.  “I’ve had my fun, but I’m late for a campaign rally now.  Kill him and dispose of the body in a way it sends a message to any other do-gooders out there.”

               “Hey Lester, you get that?” I asked into the open mic in my mask.

               “Loud and clear Ric.  The video got a clear image of his face when he taunted you that last time too.”  I smiled under my mask.  They couldn’t hear Lester’s reply because it was coming through an earpiece.  My best friend, roommate, and tech genius had rigged my suit before I went out tonight.  It would never hold up in court, but I didn’t care about that.  “Broadcasting now.”  Lester had hacked into the video system at his rally and was now broadcasting the footage of him ordering my death to all his supporters.  I heard his phone beep as the video was also texted to all cell phones registered in Reignsborough.  A week before the election and the rest of the city was finally going to see who David Poppy really was. 

               I laughed as he looked at his phone in horror.  “Finally, something good on tv for a change.”  With a slight strain of my now fully powered muscles I snapped the zip ties around my wrists.  A quick waist bend to grip the chains around my feet and I was flipping over landing on the ground in a dramatic hero pose.  “What kind of last name is Poppy anyway?  I don’t know whether to make a flower joke or ask if you want the city to call you daddy.  You know what scratch that last one.”

               I kicked out at the nameless goon to my right and sent him tumbling across the room dropping his bat to the ground.  I’m sure he wasn’t nameless, but Poppy hadn’t used one.  I bet a guy like him didn’t know the names of his minions.  I decided his name should be Fred.  He would probably never know that though because he lost consciousness when he hit the wall.  I really do try to hold back when fighting people without powers, but it’s hard with the power going to my head.  I literally didn’t know my own strength either since I had been getting hit for ten minutes or so and hadn’t tested it yet. 

               Poppy pulled out a pistol and started shooting at me.  As much energy as I absorbed, I was way too fast for him to hit.  I can’t outrun a bullet or anything, but when you have been doing this as long as I have you learn to watch their hands.  You can see where he is moving to shoot.  I don’t have to move faster than a bullet, just his arm taking aim.  Each bounce around the room to dodge lets me build up momentum as absorb even more kinetic energy.  To a regular human I would be a blur of motion moving too fast for the eyes to track.

               “Stand still and die like a man,” he screamed in frustration.

               “You know I’m pretty dumb, but I’m not that dumb.”  I heard his gun click as he ran out of ammo.  “That is one of my favorite sounds in the world.”  Shifting midair, I dove towards him intending to end the fight with a single blow.  Just as I got within a few feet of him I was hit by a train and sent spiraling through the air and into a support beam denting it in the process.  Even for me that hurt bad, and I barely managed to stay conscious.  If you are aware of an incoming blow you can roll with it and hardly ever get hurt.  This hit me out of nowhere and my eyes were struggling to focus.

               “Ric are you ok?” Lester asked in my ear.

               Before I could even reach the ground, my unknown assailant hit me four more times causing me to bounce around in the air.  I’m sure it looked like something out of a video game, but I couldn’t appreciate it in that moment.  There was no leverage to be had bouncing around in the air like that making me feel helpless.  That was not a feeling I was used to in a fight.  The world was going fuzzy and if I didn’t get it together, I was going to lose consciousness and after what I had done to Poppy, I knew I wouldn’t be surviving that.  Public humiliation was far worse than injury to a guy like that.  For the first time in my superhero career, I needed to slow the pace of a fight down.

               It was in that moment that I remembered my fanny pack.  Did I say fanny pack?  I mean utility belt.  Yeah, it was in that moment that I remembered my utility belt.   I reached in and grabbed a handful of marbles dropping them to the ground under me.  Marbles are extremely handy in the field.  I can toss them with pretty good accuracy to cause a sound in the opposite direction for a distraction, pelt people with them from a distance, or just fidget with them in my hand when I get bored.  In this case they covered the floor causing the speedster attacking me to slip and lose his footing. 

               The thing to remember about speedsters is that they can react extremely quickly and tend to have excellent balance.  When running at the type of speeds this one was going though slipping didn’t provide any time to recover.  Losing his balance, he tumbled at speeds too fast to track with the eye into a pallet of boxes.  He was not lucky enough for the box to be filled with pillows like they were labeled.  Instead, he crashed into the illegal firearms he was smuggling into the city.  It was not a soft landing, but I knew that he likely would recover even faster than me. 

               The moment I hit the ground I bounced back up towards the speedster.  My vision started to clear as I closed in.  My opponent was Blueshift a mercenary willing to use his powers for anyone who can pay his exceedingly high cost.  I hadn’t run into him before, but Lester had briefed me that he was in town that morning.  My mission was complete with Poppy, but this was someone I couldn’t leave on the streets.  He was just too dangerous to be in my city. 

               Speedsters are the hardest villains to incarcerate.  Catching them is difficult because they can get away so fast, but with vibration even restraining them is nearly impossible.  There is no generic power nullifier, and I certainly don’t have the brains or money to create individualized ones.  If I manage to knock one out, they tend to bounce back even faster than I do.  Even knowing all this it felt really good to have my fist make contact with his face.  He made me feel helpless and I needed to return that favor a bit.  I used the chain that had held me up to hogtie Blueshift.  Given time he could vibrate free, but it would be much more difficult in that position. 

               “You just made this personal Ricochet,” he grunted in pain as I picked him up. 

               “See that’s where we’re different.  When you come into my town to hurt people it’s always personal to me.”  I leapt through the skylight I had broken when I came into the warehouse.  It only took a few moments to find a police car to drop him off on.  I watched from the roof across the street as the officers came out of the convenience store with their coffees and found my gift.  Smiling at a productive day I bounced off into the sunset with a sense of satisfaction.  Or I would have, except it was only about one pm so instead I bounced off to Taco Knight so I could grab lunch for Lester and I.

The Cost of Being a Superhero

Fiction Fragment Friday

This is one of those stories that started with a sentence in my head that I needed to get out. In this case it is the first sentence in the second paragraph. I started writing from there and came back to add the first paragraph after for context and irreverence. I struggled a bit with the voice here because I started it as a more serious story and then Ricochet came out and took over. I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Hey everyone, it’s your old pal Ricochet here.  This week I’m hijacking Fiction Fragment Friday to talk about something near and dear to my heart.  Something I’m uniquely qualified to discuss.  This week we’re going to talk about being a broke superhero.

A lot has been said about being a superhero, but the one thing no one seems to talk about is just how expensive it can be.  That might be because most of the heroes who do interviews tend to be the ones that are independently wealthy.  I hope that doesn’t give away a community secret, but in most cases it really should be obvious.  If a hero has a suit of armor, their own plane, or even a car that is customized it’s safe to say that they are wealthy.  In case you didn’t notice I don’t have any of those things because I am not wealthy.    

The most obvious and basic expense is your costume.  Some heroes have suits designed, some make their own, and some even just wear plain clothes.  Whatever you wear though it is going to get destroyed.  Even if you don’t fight supervillains on a regular basis just saving people tends to damage your suit.  If you run into a burning building to save someone you might be able to get out without your suit catching fire, but it will smell like smoke and it is almost impossible to get that out.  You can expect to have your costume damaged at least once every three times you go out and more if you fight supervillains. 

So, let’s say you go with the cheapest costume you can possibly come up with and somehow manage to get it down under $20.  Then you manage to make it easy to repair so you don’t have to replace it constantly.  First off, I want to know how you did it so I can take notes.  You need to have multiple copies because it will get damaged and take time to repair or replace.  Three costumes are a bare minimum, so we are at $60 there.  If you can do your own repairs, then you still need materials, and that stuff isn’t cheap.  When I stared out, I based my costume on a deep-sea diving wetsuit that I modified.  I got it on clearance for $40 a piece and bought all of them I could afford that they had in my size. 

For all those middle-class folks out there I’m sure you are thinking that doesn’t sound too expensive.  Keep in mind that it is a recuring cost because they keep getting shredded.  Not only that but to keep a secret identity you must pay in cash while disguised and buy from multiple places to not create a pattern.  You don’t get good prices doing that and you can’t keep a consistent look buying from the clearance rack.  This is an extra expense on top of all your everyday expenses and you can’t write it off and keep a secret identity. 

Let’s talk about travel next.  I’m lucky and my powers let me bounce around the city.  It isn’t as fast as flying or superspeed, but it means I don’t have to have a vehicle if I stay a local hero.  You won’t see me flying around the world chasing bad guys and that can be limiting when you stumble onto something big.  If I need to go somewhere that doesn’t have tall buildings to bounce off of or flat roofs to run along, I’m screwed.  I’m also lucky that I can hop on top of the monorail trains and catch free rides that way.  Some heroes have to take taxis and change closer to the disaster or villain fight.  You certainly can’t use one of those apps because that creates a trail. 

One thing you learn quickly as a hero is how to bandage yourself up, so you don’t have to pay for treatment.  If you think medical expenses are expensive, try not running them through an insurance that will track you.  It’s hard enough as it is to get help without them trying to take off your mask.  You show up in plain clothes they have a lot of questions and repeated injuries just lead to more.  I’m lucky here too because I heal fast.  Even so I need to keep a lot of bandages and medical tape on hand at home and that stuff isn’t cheap when you go through it as fast as I do.  I know what you’re thinking and yeah it would be cheaper if I didn’t get beat up so much.  Let’s see you go out there fighting guys stronger than you and see how often you get beat up. 

Now let’s talk about day jobs.  See it’s pretty hard to keep a regular job when you disappear to go save people or constantly show up late because you were stopping a robbery.  Most jobs aren’t forgiving of things like that and if you get paid by the hour, they tend to track what you do even more.  Some people can put their work first and just do this as a weekend gig, but a guy like me I can’t not go out there if I know someone needs help.  I will always put the hero gig ahead of a day job and that means holding a regular job isn’t a possibility.  Try doing any kind of budgeting when you don’t have a consistent reliable income to start from.

That is why so many superheroes are independently wealthy.  It isn’t because they are more likely to get powers, but because most regular folks can’t afford to do it.  We either go bankrupt, get our identity exposed, or end up having to sign on to one of those corporate teams and give up any hope of a normal life outside the costume.  Not that you really can have a normal life doing this, but sometimes just fooling yourself into believing it’s possible is enough. 

So how do I manage it you ask.  Well, I made friends who can help.  I have a guy that can help if I get seriously hurt and do the work all off the books.  For costumes at this point I someone I saved is a tailor, but even then, he couldn’t afford to keep giving me suits for free, so he set up sponsorship deals.  That’s why my suit currently looks like a NASCAR jumpsuit.  Yeah, I look ridiculous, and this really isn’t going to work long term.  I am not ok with having Blimpie on my ass.  No problem with the New Delhi Deli on my back though.  That place is good.  For my tech, well yeah I got a guy.  He isn’t rich either, but he is super smart and doesn’t mind eating instant ramen to save up for the things he finds important. 

Speaking of food that is one thing being a superhero has helped me with.  First off, I have free lifetime fountain drinks from a convenience store I saved from a robbery.  Let me tell you I get my milage out of that one.  People constantly want to treat me to a hot dog or sandwich when I’m out in costume.  I’m a guy that is used to using instant rice to stretch meals so getting street food for free is kind of a big perk.  Also, when you fight bad guys, and it crashes into a restaurant no one seems to notice when you grab a bite or two from tables you are rushing past.  Plus, when you ask someone to toss you food of some kind, they always just assume you need it to fight the villain.  I have never once beaten a bad guy with a fried chicken wing.  I did once beat one with an order of Pad Thai, but that was kind of a one off. 

So basically, the point I’m trying to make in all of this is that if you see a Ricochet working a birthday party or a bar mitzvah don’t kick him in the junk or hit him in the knee with a wiffleball bat because it might just be the real me in the costume.  That’s right Jimmy Mankowitz it was really me you sprayed with that garden hose, and I’ll remember it if you ever need saving.  Aw who am I kidding I’d still save you because that’s what heroes do.          

Incident Statements

Fiction Fragment Friday

I had an idea for telling a story through witness statements. I wanted to play with the concepts of people being poor witnesses and conflicting statements without anyone actually lying. I hoped to come up with a deep world building story. Then I sat down to write and this came out. It is not at all the impactful story I hoped for. Not every experiment in story telling works. Hopefully this is still something you all can enjoy.

Witness Statement #1

Name: Sarah Thompson
Age: 38
Occupation: Elementary School Teacher
Date: Friday July 12, 2024
Time: 9:45pm

“Sure I saw what happened.  I was just heading back to my car after buying classroom supplies.  You know they make us buy our own supplies, right?  There is so much they don’t tell you when you say you want to become a teacher.  What was that?  Oh right, the incident.  Well like I was saying I was in the Walmart parking lot heading back to my car when it happened.  There was a loud explosion right over there and when I looked up a car was spinning through the air at me.  I thought I was about to die when suddenly Ricochet leapt in front of me and caught the car.  He tossed it right back at that Big Foot saying, ‘You dropped this.’”

Witness Statement #2

Name: Jacob Harris
Age: 43
Occupation: Declined answering pleading the 5th 
Date: Friday July 12, 2024
Time: 9:50pm

“Now you might think I’m crazy for saying it, but I know what I saw.  It was aliens.  They came here to rob our Walmart, steal our cattle, and probe our butts.  Really what is up with that.  Why they gotta be so obsessed with the butt?  Well, they ain’t getting in mine that’s for sure.  This time though I didn’t even have to pull my gun cause one of those brightly colored superhero types came jumping off the roof and took the fight right to that probing bastard.”

Witness Statement #3

Name: Emily Davis
Age: 27
Occupation: Graphic Designer   
Date: Friday July 12, 2024
Time: 9:55pm

“I was just pulling out of my parking spot when this big furry thing jumped out of nowhere behind my car.  It had to be a good ten feet tall.  I did not hit it though I swear.  Whatever it was it grabbed my car.  I jumped out when he lifted it up into the air.  The thing just swung it back and forth smashing my car into the ground until it exploded.  I could smell burnt fur.  Not sure what happened after that because I was too busy running for my life.  I’m pretty sure one of the heroes saved me.  I bet it was Cobalt.  He’s my favorite.”

Witness Statement #4

Name: Miguel Garcia
Age: 32
Occupation: Government Employee   
Date: Friday July 12, 2024
Time: 9:57pm

“Let the record reflect that this was a simple gas leak ignited by a smoker.  There was no creature or superhuman interference.”

Witness Statement #5

Name: Amanda Rodríguez
Age: 35
Occupation: Private Security   
Date: Friday July 12, 2024
Time: 10:01pm

“A gray Honda Civic backed into the supervillain Honey Badger.  He took Umbridge to this and proceeded to rampage through the Walmart parking lot.  I could have brought the situation under control, but as soon as I went to act that idiot Ricochet bounced in and started taunting him.  If you may recall those two have a bit of a history.  This further angered the supervillain causing him to throw cars at the so-called hero.  I tried to intervene and deescalate the situation, but by that time it was too late.  We’re just lucky no one was killed.  You people need to do your jobs and get those damned vigilantes off the street.”

Witness Statement #6

Name: Ricochet
Age: unknown
Occupation: Superhero   
Date: Friday July 12, 2024
Time: 10:02pm

“Owww.  Hey hands off the mask.  What a statement?  Sure thing.  Stay in school kids and don’t do the drugs.  Oh and there’s new merch on my site so ask your parents to order it for your birthdays.  Wait, you aren’t a reporter?  This isn’t going on the news?  No comment then.  Gotta bounce.”

Witness Statement #7

Name: Lester (Last Name Withheld)
Age: unknown
Occupation: Guy in the chair? No wait Technical consultant    
Date: Friday July 12, 2024
Time: 10:03pm

“Oh, yeah, I totally saw it all.  That supervillain Honey Badger got hit by a car an was all like RAWR and started smashing things.  Then Ricochet showed up and started saving people.  This woman came in with a gun and started shooting.  I mean come on everyone knows that Honey Badger is bulletproof.  After she got sent flying back Ric managed to rip a powerline free an electrocute Honey Badger with it.  Guy went down like a rock.  He totally saved us all with hardly any property damage.  I mean sure power went out around here, but that’s a small price to pay right?”

Witness Statement #8

Name: Amanda Taylor
Age: 19
Occupation:   College Student
Date: Friday July 12, 2024
Time: 10:04pm

“You know what today is?  It’s shut your mouth Friday.  I don’t talk to the po-po about nothing.  Go hassle someone else.”


Fiction Fragment Friday

This is one of those weeks where I didn’t come into it having an idea. I have a few regular fallbacks I go to when this happens and Ricochet is one of them. As I filled up the car with gas I recorded a message for myself with the first paragraph of this story. It was a scene and the rest just flowed from there. As usual I had no idea where it was going as I wrote it.

The ground and the sky are spinning around me so fast that I feel like I’m going to puke. No wait, that’s not right. They must be staying in place, so I guess it’s me that’s spinning around.  Well, less spinning and more tumbling out of control through the air towards a billboard.  Of course it has to be a political billboard. I don’t want to die with the last thing I see being the face of that asshat Evelyn Thorne who’s pushing for superheroes that don’t work for the government to be arrested.  I might not be able to wipe that smug smile off the real Thorne’s face, but at least my body can mess up this picture of her. 

The impact hurts both when I hit the sign and when it collapses on top of me.  Even though the impact would be enough to shatter most people’s bones it doesn’t hurt me nearly as much as the aluminum splinter cuts from the debris.  See a while back I signed up for a bunch of drug trials to help pay for rent and walked out with superpowers and unpredictable side effects.  All said I hit the jackpot because no one else in that trial survived.  Well, no one officially survived at least.  If there were one super powered lady out there somewhere with a new name, I certainly wouldn’t know anything about that. 

My head felt a strange combination of pain and euphoria fighting for dominance.  Among other powers I absorb kinetic energy and convert it to make me stronger, faster, and more agile.  I would say it makes me better in every way, but it also has an intoxicating effect.  Sure, I am way funnier when on a power high, but I don’t tend to think things out before acting.  Thankfully I also heal fast after absorbing a lot of energy so the cuts on my body only take moments to clot.  For the record being hit so hard you fly through the air and smash through a billboard does generate a lot of energy.  If the hit doesn’t knock me out or kill me, I can recover from just about anything.

By the time I crawl out of the rubble I’m completely healed and so high on my own power I’m practically giddy.  I don’t like absorbing this much energy.  I have a lot of power and it takes control to use it responsibly.  It’s too easy to hurt someone when I get like this.  That thought is the only thing that keeps me holding on to a thread of control.  It feels like I’m in the backseat of my own body as I leap from the roof back into the street.  My body twists and turns to dodge the cars being flung through the air at me.  If I weren’t so out of it, I would be concerned about where they end up landing. 

I hit the ground feet first compressing my legs and leaping back forward at the small man standing in the street holding a finger up to his head.  When I bounced in the first time, he telekinetically flung a newspaper box into my stomach while I was still in the air.  As far as telekinetics go this guy is the strongest I have ever encountered.  Something deep in the back of my head was asking why he didn’t just hold me in place or fling me away instead of throwing things at me.  I can’t think about that now though because tiny toon over there is still flinging things at me. 

“You it really isn’t fair.  If I were tossing things around like that, I’d get pretty tired.  There you are though just flinging whatever you want at me and not even breaking a sweat.”  He didn’t answer, but I didn’t really think he would.  His kind of power requires concentration.  Probably a good thing I don’t have them because that is not my strong suit.  I’m not getting anywhere near him at this rate.  I need a distraction. 

I ripped a parking meter from the ground and flung it like a spear.  I’ve gotten pretty good at throwing things over the years, but when I’m out of my mind on my own powers my accuracy isn’t the best.  My meter doesn’t land anywhere near where I was aiming, but thankfully it was so far off I’m pretty sure the guy has no idea what I was aiming for.  I certainly was not trying to skewer a BMW through the roof. 

“You know this witty banter thing really works better when you give me something to riff off of.  Like what should I call you?  If you don’t give me a name, I’m telling the papers you go by Tiny Toon.”  The bench he was lifting hesitated and almost fell.  I had succeeded in making him angry  and by doing so he lost his concentration.  Taking advantage of the opportunity I flung a manhole cover like a frisbee. 

This time my aim was spot on.  The manhole cover smashes a fire hydrant next to the villain.  The water hits him full force knocking him off his feet.  He slips and slides trying to get to his feet, but all semblance of concentration is gone.  I don’t hesitate for a moment.  My fist meets his stomach, and his lunch comes up all over my suit.  Thankfully I’m being sprayed by water so it’s a quick cleanup.  I have no idea what set this guy off, but investigation isn’t really my thing.  I’m more of a hit a guy until they fall down kind of person.  This guy falls pretty fast.

The situation well in hand I survey my handiwork.  The street is destroyed.  Cars on their side or sticking out of storefront windows line the street.  Water not only flooded the street but is running into nearby stores.  Debris is everywhere and the street looks like a war zone.  I might not have done most of the damage, but I didn’t do anything to stop it either.  I was having too much fun to even think about that.  How many times do I need to relearn this lesson?  As the sirens get closer, I think it is time I get out of here.  I leap to the nearest roof and off into the night.  One more victory under my belt and all it cost was a neighborhood.  Since I had no idea why the guy was trashing the place before I got there I don’t even know if it was worth it.                    


Fiction Fragment Friday

Ok, this week is a bit of catharsis. It is an exaggerated tongue in cheek story to get out a personal frustration. It seems like no matter what the issue is if I try to use my homeowners insurance there will always be some reason the issue is not covered. If it is for some reason covered they will want the cheapest patch job and not to pay for a proper repair. It is infuriating and like most things that frustrate me it has inspired this story.

                “Why do I bother paying a fortune for homeowners’ insurance when it literally never covers anything?”

                “Sir if you could please just calm down.  I understand how this could be upsetting, but your policy is quite extensive.  This one outlying case just doesn’t happen to be covered.”  The voice on the other end of the phone was exceedingly chipper, giving me the indication that she in fact did not understand how my situation could be upsetting.  Either that or she found enjoyment in the various contractual loopholes that always seemed to make my claims invalid.  I really needed to learn to be more careful in how much information I volunteered on these calls. 

                “Please help me understand how that could be the case.   I specifically increased my supervillain damage coverage to half a million last year.  A man crashes through my gazebo leaving a pile of rubble in my back yard and you are saying that isn’t covered?”   

                “That is correct sir.  I do see that you increased your policy last June.  However, you mentioned that this damage happened during the Ricochet vs the Global Defense Force fight this morning.  The problem is that neither of those parties are supervillains.  They are all categorized as heroes in our system.  If a villain were involved then your policy would have covered the damages, but as this was just one of those wacky cases of mistaken identity well, we just can’t approve your claim.”  I could just see the smugness in her voice as she lectured me like a schoolteacher with a slow learning student.

                “They were fighting because Ricochet has been helping a known felon.” 

                “Actually, as the suspect has yet to be apprehended, she has thus not been convicted of anything.  She technically is not a felon as we are innocent until proven guilty in this country.  There is a warrant out so Ricochet may have been committing a crime, but as of yet he has not been charged with anything.  So, you see no supervillains and your claim does not meet the requirements.”

                “What if they do charge him?  Would my claim be covered then?”

                “Oh no, he would have to be found guilty before a request to have his classification in our system updated could be filed.  Then it would go through a review process.  Generally, it takes four to six weeks to process a change of alignment form.”

                “Wait a minute there are a ton of supervillains that have never been caught.  Are you telling me that if any of them caused damage to my house I wouldn’t be covered?”  After numerous failed claim attempts over the past five years, I thought I was finally starting to understand just how stacked against a paying customer the system really was.

                “Well, that depends.”

                  “On what?”

                “Well, there are multiple ways an individual can be classified as a supervillain in our system.  If they, for example, describe themselves as such in a public setting we could update our listings.  Also, if the national registry of supervillains managed by the FBI were to include them that would meet the requirements.  The criteria is up for interpretation by one of our insurance claims adjusters.  If you would like to put in a request to have an adjuster review Ricochet’s status, we could start that process.”

                “The process that would take four to six weeks?”

                “No that that is the reclassification process once criteria are verified to be met.  The average assessment takes thirty to sixty days.  Would you like me to start that paperwork for you?”

                I stared out my kitchen window at the pile of wood and watched my dog pee on what used to be the roof of my gazebo.  I was worried about leaving him alone out back amidst the rubble, but so far, he had not hurt himself.  “I suppose so.  That means I’m going to have a big pile of dangerous wood splinters and nails in my backyard for a while.”

                “Oh, I don’t recommend that.  You should have that fixed and the debris hauled away immediately.   Just save the receipts for reimbursement.”

                “If I could afford to do that, I wouldn’t need insurance now, would I?  I thought I had insurance to protect me when things like this happen.”

                “Sir, please just be aware that what you described is a safety hazard.  I have made a note in your file that you are aware of it.  If someone were to be injured after the first week and you have not made an effort to remediate the issue it would not be covered by your homeowner’s policy as it was an unattended known hazard.”

                “This call is me trying to remediate it.”  By this point I was struggling to not just yell into the phone.  I’ve been through this before though.  That’s what she wants me to do.  If I yelled, she could say I’m being belligerent an she can hang up on me.  No, I wasn’t going to play into her hand like that.  “Please start the paperwork to have an adjuster review my case and his classification.”

                “Excellent.  Please hold.” 

                Why is it that they pick the worst earworm songs for insurance agency hold music?  If it isn’t The Girl from Ipanema it’s this ridiculous song about working all day.  This time though it was a song about a camel liking to dance.  It made no sense at all, but there it was running through my head, and I just couldn’t get it out even though I didn’t know the words.  It’s bad enough when you know the lyrics, but when you only know a few words that part of the song will just loop over and over until you want to throw something. When I was finally ready to scream, she came back on the line.

                “Hello sir, are you still on the line?”

                “Yes, I’m here.”   That is obstacle two.  If they can get you to hang up because you are sick of the hold music, then you have to start the whole process over again.

                “I have started the process and have a case number for you.  It is RBC728512.  You will of course get an email that summarizes our call an provides you this as well.  It looks like your adjuster will be…  oh my that does not bode well for you.”

                “What now?”

                “Well, you have been assigned Connie Vera.  Excellent adjustor.  In fact she is one of our best.”

                “Why is that a bad for me?”

                “Normally it wouldn’t be.  Last week though she was in Reignsborough National over on second street when Honey Badger tried to rob it.  He got hungry and decided that she looked tasty.   She was seconds away from being eaten, but then..”

                “Let me guess.  Ricochet showed up and saved her life.”

                “Busted right through the skylight and kicked him in the face.  I’m glad they aren’t insured with us because that elaborate of glasswork would have to be expensive to replace.”

                I groaned in exasperation.  “Oh, I’m sure you would find some loophole to make sure it wasn’t covered.  Perhaps a clause that the damage was done by the hero and not the villain.”

                “That’s good.  I’m going to write that one down.”  I think she realized what she said a moment after it came out, because she sounded flustered as she backpedaled.  “Uhm, to make sure that no one tries that on one of our customers.  We are here to help after all.  Speaking of which now that your claim is filed is there anything else I can help you with?”

                “No, not at this time.”  I was done and just wanted off the phone at that point.

                “Then thank you for calling Mutual of Reignsborough.  Remember when bad things happen we will also be there.” 

A Serious Talk

Fiction Fragment Friday

I had multiple ideas for a story this week, but settled on my first sentence as an inspiration. I don’t know where I came up with that sentence, but I liked it and decided to see where it went. Imagine my surprise when I realized I was writing a Ricochet story. It was not my intent, but it made complete sense with the conversation that was happening. I thought about using another superhero I created called Cobalt, but I struggled to decide what the difficult conversation would be with him. I also find myself not wanting to return to that character because when I created him he has a terrible tragedy in his past and having written a Fiction Fragment Friday prequel to that story I just don’t want to put him through it.

                “It’s long past time we had a serious talk.”  I have faced off against some of the most terrifying supervillains Reignsborough has to offer, but none of them caused the kind of fear that hearing those words come out of a girlfriend’s mouth does.  It may not always be phrased exactly like that, but I think I’ve heard pretty much every version of that particular conversation starter there is.  None of them are ever followed by anything I would call pleasant. 

                “Uh, ok Susie what’s on your mind?”  I figured I would try to get straight to it.  Avoiding the conversation wasn’t going to make it any easier. 

                “You canceled the last three dates we were supposed to have and each time it was at the last minute with an excuse as flimsy as those cheap paper plates you buy.  I know it isn’t work keeping you out at night because you haven’t had a decent gig in months.  Stand up comedy doesn’t exactly lend itself to work emergencies.”

                “Now hon you know I do odd jobs and pick up extra work when I can get it.  Sometimes that stuff just pops up at a moment’s notice.”

                She reached over to my counter and picked up a pile of bills.  “If that were it maybe you would have the money to pay for these, but no you are just as poor as ever.” 

                “Ouch.  I know my act hasn’t really taken off, but that’s kind of harsh.”

                “You want to talk about harsh?”  At this point she was yelling and threw the pile of bills against my chest.  “How about sitting in the middle of a restaurant with my parents trying to convince them that you wouldn’t possibly stand me up when you were supposed to meet them.  Then trying to come up with reasons why I actually like you when you do just that.”

                “Oh, that was tonight wasn’t it.”  I had been dealing with a supervillain hostage situation downtown and had completely forgotten about the dinner.  When I got back to my apartment, I had to take a shower to get rid of the smoke smell from when they lit the office building on fire.  I had no idea how I was going to get the smell out of my costume.  After that I was so tired, I was just going to collapse in bed until I heard a loud banging on my front door.  That led to this rather unpleasant conversation. 

                “Yes, it was tonight.  I’ve been reminding you every day for the last two weeks.  I tried calling you all night and you didn’t answer.  I have to ask; do you care about me at all?  Are you trying to push me away or are you just so self-centered that other people never even cross your mind.”     

                “Of course, I care about you.”  I needed an excuse fast.  “Look I’m really sorry about tonight.  I promise I’ll make it up to you.”  Even I knew that line wouldn’t work.  It never had before. 

                “That’s what you always say, and you know what?  You’ve never made anything up to me.  You just keep letting me down over and over again.  This is your last chance.  I want an honest answer with none of your usual deflections.   Where were you tonight?  What was more important than meeting my parents?”  She crossed her arms over her chest and stood there waiting for my answer.  I knew that the next words out of my mouth would determine my relationship status.  The one thing I couldn’t tell her was the truth though.  I couldn’t risk giving away my secret identity. 

                “Nothing is more important than you.  I just fell asleep, and my phone battery died.” 

                When she slapped me, my powers took the kinetic energy and absorbed it to feed my strength, agility, and healing.  I knew that she put all her strength into it, but the hit barely registered.  I think my perspective might have been skewed after a night of being hit by the Bash-em brothers.  They are actual brothers with super strength.  They went into professional wrestling when they first got their powers but decided that it was too much work when they could just rob banks.  “You are a terrible liar, but you just had to try, didn’t you?  Your phone is right here on the counter with a 50% charge.  Plus, I called Mrs. Wilson and had her come over and bang on your door.” 

                “Who’s Mrs. Wilson?”

                “Your neighbor.  How have you lived here for over a year without learning any of your neighbor’s names?  No, don’t answer that.  You are just deflecting again.”  It might have looked like I was deflecting, but I’m really not that clever.  I actually don’t know any of my neighbors’ names.  To be honest I can’t remember the last time I had gone out my front door instead of out my window in costume.  It’s just so much faster to bounce around the city and change when I get there than it is to take the train.  It’s a lot more fun too. 

                For a moment I thought about opening up and telling her I was Ricochet.  It would be so nice to have someone to talk to about it and maybe get some support.  On the other hand, I wasn’t sure how serious she was about us and I didn’t want an angry ex out there knowing my identity.  Just knowing had a habit of putting people in danger.  At this point I wasn’t sure if even the truth would be enough to make up for all the missed dates and my inability to get her anything nice. 

                “I don’t know what to say.  I must have slept through it.”  Even I heard the resignation in my voice.  I knew what was going to come next.

                “Well, you’re going to have plenty of time to sleep now.  I’m done.  I deserve someone who is going to make me feel important to them.  I deserve to not have to make excused to my friends and family about why my boyfriend isn’t around.”  She punctuated her final sentence with pokes to my chest.  “I deserve better than you.” 

                I didn’t try to change her mind or beg as she headed to the door.  It had never helped in the past and I knew it wouldn’t this time.  A couple pictures fell off the wall as she slammed my front door on her way out.  I didn’t bother picking them up.  They would always be there to deal with in the morning.  Unlike my love life which was once again dead.  That left me with two choices for the night.  I could think about what had just happened and really take a look at my life.  Examine my choices and ask myself those difficult questions about my future.

                That was not going to happen, so I went with option number two.  In a few minutes I was suited up in my smoke smelling costume and climbing out my window onto the fire escape.  Sure, I could examine my life and self-evaluate, but I’m sure there were bad guys out there that needed punching.  It wouldn’t hurt that using my powers had an intoxicating effect that would keep me from focusing on much of anything.  Nope never let it be said that I was a self-aware superhero, not when I have any other option to avoid that.   


Fiction Fragment Friday

Sometimes I might struggle with coming up with an idea because something else get’s stuck in my head. I think when that happens it’s best to go back to the stories and characters that I’m the most comfortable with. This time is a slightly different perspective. Hope you enjoy.

     “You know everything was going pretty well, but life kind of sucks now.  My best friend had to leave town so she could hide from a super powered gang boss.  The scientist that made all my cool stuff got a job in New York.  My girlfriend left me days before I got superpowers, and my first ever high paying job turned out to be working for a super-villain.  Makes a guy think he might just have bad luck.”

     “Please I’m begging you just arrest me already.”  The mugger was hanging upside down over the edge of a roof with Ricochet holding him by is left ankle.  He had lost track of how long he had been there having to listen to this supposed superhero rambling on and on.   “I’ll confess just please stop talking.”

     “Well, that’s kind of rude.”  Ricochet tossed him onto the roof where he rolled until smashing into the air conditioner.  It sputtered, sparked, and then the fan stopped spinning.  “Oh, I am not paying for that.”  He leapt through the sky and landed in a crouch next to the mugger.  “Uhm if anyone asks that was your fault ok?”

     “Sure man, whatever you say.”  He hurt all over.  First the hero head tossed him around the alley, then dragged him up the fire escape backwards, and now he was pretty sure the air conditioner had cracked a rib. 

     “You know this talk was good.  I think I needed it.  Thanks for that.”

     “That mean you’re gonna let me go?”  The words came out with a grunt.  It was starting to hurt to breathe.

     Ricochet laughed.  “Oh, that’s a good one.  Wait you were serious?  No man I’m gonna drop you off with that patrol when they get out of the convenience store.  I would take you in, but they kinda banned me for too much collateral damage.  I mean really some people have no appreciation.  Jeremy over on twelfth gave me free fountain drinks for life, but this guy no. 

     Tears of pain and frustration filled the mugger’s eyes.  “Do you every shut up?”

     Ricochet tossed the man over his shoulder and sprinted across the roof.  Just before the edge he leapt into the air and spun.  As soon as his feet his the next roof he rebounded and moved onto the next.  After making a loop around the neighborhood he flung them from the roof towards the convenience store wall.  His legs compressed against and pushed off.  As the two spun over the patrol car he dropped the mugger onto the front hood.  He was happy to notice that it barely dented the car this time. 

     “Hello officers, have a great day.  Enjoy your gift, from the rambling Ricochet.”  With those parting words the hero disappeared into the night.  He didn’t go quietly though as the mugger and police officers could hear him singing something to the tune of “Gummy Bears” as he bounced away.

     Officer Mendel rushed to his car to check on the man.  His partner officer Melvin threw her coffee against the ground while cussing.  “So help me if the car doesn’t start I’m going hunt that bouncing idiot to the ends of the Earth.  Last week the blamed fool dropped one right into my windshield shattering it.  He’s worse than the actual bad guys.”

     “He just wouldn’t shut up.  He dragged me around just rambling on and on and on.”

     Mendel helped him to his feet.  “Wanna confess now or wait until we get to the precinct?”

     “What makes you think I’m gonna tell you anything?”

     “Let me tell you about the last guy that didn’t.  See as soon as we let him go Ricochet grabbed him and bounced around until they were on top of the tallest building in Reignsborough.  Then he started singing.  Said he was working on an album.  Called it ‘Bouncing Back: Songs to Punch Bad Guys To’ Apparently every song was just a theme song about him.  Said he couldn’t get it narrowed down to just twelve, so he made the guy listen to all thirty-seven.  Every time he reached a big moment in a song, he would do a pose and drop the guy.  Caught him before he hit the ground and took him back to the roof each time.  That’s not the worst part though.”  Officer Mendel paused for effect.

     “What was the worst part?”  The mugger’s voice was cracking now.

     “Well each time that happened he had to restart the song from the beginning.  Sometimes it took three tries to get through the song.”

                “Do you want my confession verbally or in writing?”    

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